The growth I observed in my son at New World Karate went far beyond the physical development of karate technique. He grew in confidence and gained an appreciation for the power of hard work. This showed itself most strongly when he entered high school when he decided to join the swim team, a sport he had never participated in before. He learned from his karate training, especially as he worked towards his black belt, that anything was possible if he worked for it. And work he did. The coaches all spoke highly of his drive, work ethic, and progress. The supportive environment at New World Karate helped instill this confidence in him. The single most valuable aspect of his karate training was time spent with his one-on-one instructors. The relationship formed between them carried him from white to black belt with many tournament trophies along the way. If you ask him what the most valuable lesson was from karate, it was the notion that there is always room for improvement. A strong performance can be made stronger. He uses that lesson in swim, music performance, and in his schoolwork.

-Lisa Ponton

I was first interested in martial arts when i saw a couple of guys in the machine shop where I worked practicing some of the techniques they had learned. Soon after starting my family, having both boys and girls, my sons showed interest in also learning martial arts. As soon as they were old enough, I found New World Karate and after our first lesson, we had found the studio best suited for us and everything that we were looking for. The constant positive reinforcement and knowledge that each instructor possess helps to keep the enthusiasm to keep going. This studio isn’t just a martial arts school, its a family where everyone is there to learn. I just received my black belt and I plan on continuing my education and career here at New World Karate & Fitness.

-Mike Sopko